Thursday, March 28, 2013

♔Why I'm So Weird ♔

 ♔Why I'm So Weird ♔

Yeap, I'm a weirdo. Here's why:

 ♔I try to sing what I'm doing
 ♔I HATE tomatoes
 ♔I will profusely lie to get what I want
 ♔I chew pencils :P
 ♔I try to make great things better, and end up making them worse
 ♔I blog, when I know no one reads it
 ♔I am obsessed with Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil
 ♔I sleep with a stuffed walrus
 ♔I make up problems in my head to get out of things

Feel free to judge me now. Just, don't throw things. Adios, mis amigos. :3

Saturday, March 23, 2013

An Obsession

I'm officially obsessed with Amazing Phil. I have always loved his videos but I today watched 26 in a row, no break. I can't even. The videos are amazing. And DanIsNotOnFire is amazing too. I think I'm in love guys. This is not ok. Adios meh readers(You probably don't exist though)

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I fell. On an ankle I previously broke. It hurts. Like hell. 😭

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fresh Meat

Love new kids. Don't we all? They're just so…awesome. Especially the one at school. She was a grade below us, but now she's here. "Started at the bottom and now we here." She's awesome. She likes everything my friends and I like, and she's a ninja. How did we get so lucky?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ermahgerd Snow.

So it snowed. We had a delay today at school. Funny cos I didn't want to come at all. Also, our school magazine just published an issue about sex-related things. Is it honestly appropriate to give these to 7th and 8th graders?

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Met The Infamous BHK

So I met Backwards Hat Kid. Well not exactly met, I didn't find out his name, but, I spoke to him. He's funny. And talented. And gorgeous. But he seems like a jerk. He laughed at meh jokes but, I'm pretty short. So fat chance. And I won't ever see him again ;_; Just my luck.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dropped. My. Phone. In. The. Toilet.

My phone. In. The. Toilet. 

So, I was about to go potty. And I was pulling down meh pants, and my phone was in my back pocket. I should have known this would happen, I was wearing really tight skinny jeans. Anyway, *plop* goes my phone into the toilet. Now it think it's charging, the touch screen won't work, and sometimes the screen goes white. What Luck! Adios, readers.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Missing One; Continued.

So...Where were we?

So, I went to the singing congregation today. I saw BHK again, and he and his group of friends continued to stare at me. I didn't talk to him becuase frankly; I'm a coward. Sorry blog viewers, I have let you down. You know, sometimes, I think no one even read this blog. I don't really care if that's true because I like to say what I feel no matter what. Anyway, a new kid I saw today. His hair goes swoop like BHK's, but this kid has alot more hair. Lol. And He wears glasses. Those type of glasses that everyone wears and the type I am going to wear soon. He looks alot like my friend, but in guy form. Omg, love triangle? Just maybe. Ta-ta for now, readers (or non-existent readers).

Monday, March 11, 2013

Favorite Songs

Best Songs :o

1. Wake Up Call
2. Some Nights
3. This Love
4. Misery
5. We Are Young
6. Ho Hey
7. Permafrost
8. Won't Go Home Without You
9. Apologize
10. I'm Yours
11. For The First Time
12. Breakeven
13. The Great Escape
14. Love Drunk
15. Sweet Pea

The Missing One

The Missing One

In case you didn't know, I like to sing. And after this year's first trip to the congregation of singers in my division, I notice something. A kid staring at me. He wore a backwards hat, so my friends and I call him BHK(Backwards Hat Kid). He was pretty cute, so I have been trying and trying to put a name on him, but I just can't. Tomorrow (March 12th), we will go to sing with all the people again. I will try to talk to him. Wish me luck! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Divergent Clothing Series; Erudite

Erudite Clothing

The final faction! Erudite Clothing:
Erudite people are constantly learning. They like to show their intellegence by wearing glasses, even if they don't need them, and constantly having their faces in books. I wanted to give the Erudite people a dignified and serious look, while still letting them be stylish.

Divergent Clothing Series; Amity

Amity Clothes

Amity is a place of peace and trust in others. They wear red and yellow to show their calmness and happiness.

Icky Words.

Icky Words.

Words that just are stupid.

Kay so these words are dumb. They make me want to shake people and ask them where the heck they came from. Use english people. Not whatever language those words came from.

Things I Love :o

Things I Love.

1. Friends/Family
2. My doggy
3. Singing
4. Reading
5. Painting
6. Maroon 5
7. Blogging :o
8. Adventure Time
9.  Food :o
10. Baths (preferably Bubbley :3)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mah Doggy!

This be my dog. We call her Me Gusta, Crystal, or Chauncey. She's the best little fluffy ever. <3 you Chaunce!


I'm confused. 

Yea so, that one nice person, right? Now they're a total jerk and you have no idea why. Possible Answers:
-They're a jerk
-They're nice, and are in a bad mood
-They have MPI (Multiple Personality Disorder)
-You're imagining things
So yea. Give up on them. I've learned how to do that. Toodles!
                                                                                      -Rachel :3

Divergent Clothing Series; Abnegation

Abnegation Clothes

Abnegation people are selfless. They wear all grey clothing so that there is no envy amongst them. They would do anything for anyone.

Things I Hate

Things I Hate

1. Tomatoes
2. Boy Bands
4. Country Music
5. Homework
6. Mondays
7. School
8. Cats
9. The Color Brown
10. P.E. :P

Divergent Clothing Series; Candor

Candor Clothes

Candor is a truthful place. They wear black and white to symbolize how they see the world: in black and whit.

Divergent Clothing Series; Dauntless.

Dauntless Clothes

Ok so, I am a HUGE Divergent fan. For those of you who don't know what Divergent is, it's a book by Veronica Roth. It. Is. Amazing. And. You. Should. Read. It. OK so I have been collaborating pieces of clothing to make outfits for different places in the book. Here's the clothes for Dauntless:

 More coming soon!


Well Hi!

Ok so hai. I'm Rachel, and I guess this is my blog. Here's what I will probably do but later forget to do:
-Post rants about meh day
-Post drawings/pics
-MAYBE create a chatango
-Eat some food ( I will not forget this one)
So yea. I'm kinda excited now. Toodles!