Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Missing One; Continued.

So...Where were we?

So, I went to the singing congregation today. I saw BHK again, and he and his group of friends continued to stare at me. I didn't talk to him becuase frankly; I'm a coward. Sorry blog viewers, I have let you down. You know, sometimes, I think no one even read this blog. I don't really care if that's true because I like to say what I feel no matter what. Anyway, a new kid I saw today. His hair goes swoop like BHK's, but this kid has alot more hair. Lol. And He wears glasses. Those type of glasses that everyone wears and the type I am going to wear soon. He looks alot like my friend, but in guy form. Omg, love triangle? Just maybe. Ta-ta for now, readers (or non-existent readers).

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