Friday, April 26, 2013

Getting Deep Here

Wow. Glee is getting into some deep topics. First, hey started with a shooing, in a school. I thought it was bad enough, with the events that had happened not so long ago. But to name it "Shooting Star" is just plain horrendous. Next, they take on the topic of child molestation/pedophilia. I don't know about you, but I know plenty of kids who are way too young to know or worry about something like this. Glee is getting too deep too soon. Anyone else agree?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A YouTube Channel To Watch For

Heyo readers(or whatever you are)! My friend and I have a YouTube channel and we upload videos every Tuesday and Sunday! Subscribe today and earn a free invisible Llamarus (the love child of a llama and walrus). Subscribe here!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

FanFics :o

That's right, I'm writing a fan-fic! It's about the hunger games, actually, the children of Katniss and Peeta. Their names are Rye and Willow. And so far, the main character is Rye. He looks like his mother, and Willow looks like Peeta. When the story is finished I will upload it, even though I'm sure no one reads this blog. Toodles!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dissatisfied Part 2

Yes, I am yet again dissatisfied. I ran the pacer in P. E. today, and my lungs feel like they have been stomped on to a bloody pulp. I honestly don't get it. Why make me run laps? My friend and I decided to be lazy and just stop at a small number of laps. Can you blame us? I don't care if people think I'm weak because of it, because honestly I'm not nearly one of them most out of shape kids in my grade. So lay off, state. I'll look how I want to.


I am dissatisfied, dear readers. Dissatisfied with our country's physical education curriculum. First of all, what do I learn from "pickle ball"? Second of all, what is the whole point of physical testing, if we're doing it through high school, why aren't we continuing it through college? Actually, why are we doing it at all? You can't control a child's metabolism no matter how hard you try, and making him run slower than the rest will subject him to bullying that one adult could not even comprehend. I say we rebel against the system and refuse to be tested. Ok, so I've gone on a rant, but to be honest, I like the rest of P.E., learning new skills that we can use to help further our health. I hope O haven't scared you off. I probably will in the future anyway. Ta-ta for now!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why Do We Want What We Can't Have?

                   Ever heard the expression "The grass is always greener on the other side"? Well, it's true. We always want what we can't have. Example 1: Looking through clothes online, full cart, uses just the amount of gift card money I have. But, hey, why not look around again for more stuff? I find a really cute shirt, of course. If swap it with the shirt I already have in my cart, I would be $10 short. Now I don't really want the first shirt, do I? Example 2: Dating someone awesome, dum dee dum, life is great. Meet new guy, he's awesome. But he's also taken. Now I don't want the first guy as much, do I? Example 3: Buy a new cellphone, and love it, wait about 3 months, new version comes out. Front facing camera, holographs, whatever it has, it's better than yours. You have to wait 9 more months for your new phone. Do you still want your phone, do you really?
                You see? This is what I mean. We always want something better than what we have, even if that something better is completely out of reach. I for one, learn to deal with people who have better things than me. There are two types of envy:
- Malicious Envy: "Her shoes are adorable! I hope her shoes get wet and ruined."
- Benign Envy:  "Her shoes are adorable! I want shoes like that."
I don't know. I find my envy to be more malicious, if you had cute shoes, I'd be kinda upset that you had them instead of someone like me. While on the topic about things that make me horrible, I learned a new word that perfectly describes how I feel about most things: schadenfreude. Schadenfreude means happiness at the misfortune of others. Like watching someone fall on their bum while ice skating. Schadenfreude is basically feeling glad that you're not the person suffering through such a horrible thing. You know what? I've gotten WAY to deep into this topic. Goodnight everyone.